Menstrual insecurity, a FACT!

Menstruation is considered a taboo subject in many societies around the world, although it is an important natural part of female biology. This negative and taboo representation of the rules can engender in young girls and women a feeling of embarrassment, shame or even fear in some women and some girls. However, good menstrual hygiene management is a guarantee of better health for them.

Menstrual insecurity is characterized by the difficulty or lack of access for peoplesettledto thehygienic protections. It originates fromlack of informationorthe lack of a suitable care systemsuch as the high cost of hygienic protections, for example.

cf:, unicef

In Senegal, disposable or single-use sanitary napkins are the type of protection most used during menstruation. However, alternative methods are put in place to overcome this menstrual precariousness.

Indeed, on the African continent, the traditional methods of menstrual management are generally based on the fabric (for example on rags). They believe it is a "safe and hygienic" way. Reusable sanitary protection is usually washed with soap and salt. However, these methods sometimes make reusable protectors uncomfortable. The tissue can become itchy, itchy, or even lead to infections that can sometimes be fatal.

According to Unicef [1], 56% of Senegalese women indicate that they have already missed school during the period of menstruation. They may miss school because of the pain they feel during their period, but some report feeling uncomfortable and forced to stay at home.

During this period, some girls find it difficult to concentrate. And, when asked by the teacher, nearly a third of these girls say they feel uncomfortable.

The other two thirds describe feeling positive emotions, in part thanks to the use of the products distributed.

Finally, the lack of infrastructure within schools is an important factor of this inequality due to their inadequacy during periods of menstruation for example: absence of separate toilets, absence of running water, absence of garbage cans, etc.

cf:, unicef


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